Schlagwort: Protein
How proteins protect mammalian sperm on their way to the egg cell
Mammalian seminal fluid contains a variety of proteins secreted by the accessory sex glands that are important for the processes involved in fertilisation. One of these proteins, which is found in ungulates – and in particularly large quantities in boars – is the spermadhesin AQN-3. A science team from the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW), the Humboldt University of Berlin (HUB) and the Leibniz Institute for Molecular Pharmacology has studied the protein and discovered unexpected properties that could help sperm remain functional until they reach the egg.
Wie Proteine Säugetier-Spermien auf ihrem Weg zur Eizelle schützen
Can we promote healthy ageing of our cells?
Können wir unseren Zellen helfen gesund zu altern?
Wheat, Einkorn, Emmer, Spelt: Large Differences in Protein Composition
Forschende der Universitätsmedizin Mainz identifizieren Jekyll- und Hyde-Schlüsselprotein
Risikofaktor für psychiatrische Erkrankungen wirkt je nach Geschlecht unterschiedlich
Risk factor for psychiatric disorders has different effects depending on sex
Ein Algorithmus für schärfere Protein-Filme
New study reveals ‘moonlighting’ function of part of the brain’s protein destruction machine at synapses
A new study by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research discovered a ‘moonlighting’ function carried out by a complex that normally works to degrade proteins in cells – this protein destruction machine is called the proteasome. The scientists found, by counting and visualizing individual protein complexes, that one part of the proteasome (the 19S regulatory complex) was abundant near brain synapses where it regulates synaptic proteins and transmission on its own – without its partner.