World Brain Day 2024: Zu viel Zucker versalzt die Hirngesundheit

Der internationale „World Brain Day“ am 22. Juli 2024 stellt die Prävention von neurologischen Erkrankungen wie Parkinson, Demenz, Schlaganfall oder Migräne in den Vordergrund. Allein 40 % aller Demenzfälle und 90 % aller Schlaganfälle wären vermeidbar. Dennoch steigt weltweit die Krankheitslast von neurologischen Krankheiten – verstärkte Anstrengungen in Sachen Prävention sind also dringend erforderlich. Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurologie (DGN) und die Deutsche Hirnstiftung möchten anlässlich des Aktionstags den Fokus auf den viel zu hohen Zuckerkonsum lenken. Denn er schädigt die Hirngesundheit.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Odors are encoded in rings in the brain of migratory locusts

In a new study published in the journal Cell, a team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany, describes for the first time how odors are encoded in the antennal lobe, the olfactory center in the brain of migratory locusts. Using transgenic locusts and imaging techniques, the researchers were able to show a ring-shaped representation of odors in the brain. The pattern of olfactory coding in the antennal lobe is the same at all stages of locust development. A better understanding of olfactory coding in the locust brain should help to learn more about how the behavior of these insects is controlled, especially their swarming.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

First model of the brain’s information highways developed

Our human brain is not only bigger and contains more neurons than the brains of other species, but it is also connected in a special pattern: Thick bundles of neurons connect brain regions across long distances, such as the right and left brain hemispheres. A team of researchers at IMBA, including Catarina Martins-Costa, Nina Corsini and Jürgen Knoblich, now presents the first organoid model in which these information highways can be studied. Their results are published on May 7th in the journal Cell Stem Cell.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Advanced Brain Science Without Coding Expertise

Researchers at Helmholtz Munich and the LMU University Hospital Munich introduce DELiVR, offering a new AI-based approach to the complex task of brain cell mapping. The deep learning tool democratizes advanced neuroscience by eliminating the need for coding expertise. DELiVR empowers biologists to investigate disease-related spatial cell dynamics efficiently, fostering the development of precision therapies for enhanced patient care.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

The language of the brain: How memories guide us to rewards

Now in spring, some of us have a particular craving for ice cream. Picture this: You want to take a walk to your favourite ice cream parlour for the first time after winter. You can probably remember how to get there. How does our brain guide us to such rewarding places? In a study recently published in the journal Nature Communications, researchers from the Leibniz Institute of Neurobiology (LIN) in Magdeburg used state-of-the-art methods to answer this question. They discovered that our brain uses a special code to guide us to places that promise rewards.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Fuelling nerve cell function and plasticity

New finding from scientists at the University of Cologne discloses how mitochondria control tissue rejuvenation and synaptic plasticity in the adult mouse brain / publication in ‘Neuron’

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Nerve Cells “Old at Heart” — Key Molecules Persist Throughout Life

Most human nerve cells last a lifetime without renewal. A trait echoed within the cells’ components, some enduring as long as the organism itself. New research by Martin Hetzer, molecular biologist and president of the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), and colleagues discovered RNA, a typical transient molecule, in the nerve cells of mice that remain stable for their entire lives. Published in Science, these findings contribute to unraveling the complexities of brain aging and associated diseases.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

A brain circuit that spoils your appetite

Satiety, nausea or anxiety can all lead to a loss of appetite. Delaying eating can be a healthy move by the body to prevent further damage and to gain time for regenerating. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence now identified the circuit in the brain that prevents mice from eating when they feel nauseous. The decisive role is played by special nerve cells in the amygdala – a brain region involved when emotions run high. The cells are activated during nausea and elicit appetite-suppressing signals. The findings highlight the complex regulation of eating behavior, as the loss of appetite during nausea is controlled by different circuits than during satiety.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

TU Dresden Researchers Identify Factor Involved in Brain Expansion in Humans

What makes us human? According to neurobiologists it is our neocortex. This outer layer of the brain is rich in neurons and lets us do abstract thinking, create art, and speak complex languages. An international team led by Dr. Mareike Albert at the Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD) of TUD Dresden University of Technology has identified a new factor that might have contributed to neocortex expansion in humans. The results were published in the EMBO Journal.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

FAU: Eating, socializing or exploring: How the brain switches between different behaviors

How does our brain switch between different behaviors? A current study has now provided the first answers to this key question in neuroscience. Using mice, the researchers investigated electrical activity in a certain area within the brain. Results were then analyzed with the help of an adaptive computer algorithm. This artificial intelligence identified a type of typical fingerprint in the signals. Analyzing this signal allowed researchers to predict which behavior the animals would switch to next, two seconds before they actually made the change. The results have now been published in the journal Nature Neuroscience.*

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Insights into epigenetics: Mouse as a model organism

The FKBP5 gene is associated with stress-related psychiatric disorders. Not only the gene itself, but also epigenetic changes are possible biomarkers for the long-term consequences of stress. The underlying mechanisms cannot yet be determined in humans. Previous research suggests that the mouse is a suitable model organism for investigating the influences of genetics, the environment and their interaction in brain tissue. Scientists have now provided the first evidence that epigenetic changes – crucial key elements for the regulation of genes – can also be investigated in the so-called humanized FKBP5 mouse model.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Pharmacological Inhibitor Protects Nerve Cells in ALS Disease

A new pharmacological inhibitor can intervene in a central cell death mechanism that is responsible for the death of motor neurons and hence important for the progression of the motor neuron disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). A research team led by Prof. Dr Hilmar Bading, neurobiologist at Heidelberg University, examined a neuroprotective molecule that belongs to a novel drug class. It is able to inhibit the interactions of certain proteins and has been successfully tested in a mouse model of ALS and in brain organoids of ALS patients.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Stress Influences Brain and Psyche Via Immune System

Chronic stress affects the immune system and the brain. UZH researchers now show that a particular enzyme found in cells of the immune system enters the brain under stress. In mice, it causes them to withdraw and avoid social contact. This newly discovered connection between body and mind in stress-related mental illnesses could lead to new treatments for depression.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Neurons can feel the pulse in the brain

UR Researchers at the Faculty for Biology and Preclinical Medicine publish study in Science

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Zebrafish Navigate to Find Their Comfortable Temperature

Zebrafish are smaller than your little finger, with a brain no more than half the size of a pinhead. Yet these animals possess an efficient navigation system that enables them to find their way back to spots in the water where the temperature suits them. This has been revealed in a recent study by the University of Bonn and University Hospital Bonn together with the Technical University of Munich (TUM), whose findings have been published in the journal “Current Biology.”

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Brain Research: Important Inhibitory Synapses in the Cerebellum Unraveled

Whether picking up a small object like a pen or coordinating different body parts, the cerebellum in the brain performs essential functions for controlling our movement. Researchers at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) investigated how a crucial set of synapses between neurons within it functions and develops. Their findings have now been published in the journal Neuron.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Surprise! – How the brain learns to deal with the unexpected

For children, the world is full of surprises. Adults, on the other hand, are much more difficult to surprise. And there are complex processes behind this apparently straightforward state of affairs. Researchers at the University of Basel have been using mice to decode how reactions to the unexpected develop in the growing brain.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Pedigree of Brain Cells: New study explains development of the mammalian superior colliculus

The superior colliculus in the mammalian brain takes on many important tasks by making sense of our environment. Any mistakes during the development of this brain region can lead to severe neurological disorders. ISTA scientist Giselle Cheung and colleagues have now, for the first time, delineated the pedigree and origin of nerve cells that make up the superior colliculus. Their findings have been published in the journal Neuron.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

New Source of Stem Cells in Injury-Affected Brains of Patients

Researchers from Helmholtz Munich and the LMU have discovered that, in the case of brain injuries, specific cells in the brain become active in disease situations, exhibiting properties of neural stem cells. The authors further discovered that a specific protein regulates these cells and hence could function as a target for therapy and thereby contribute to better treatments for brain injuries in the future. The new findings shed light on the specificity of astrocyte reaction in different injury conditions and the results are now published in Nature Medicine.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Tracing the Evolution of the “Little Brain”

The evolution of higher cognitive functions in humans has so far mostly been linked to the expansion of the neocortex. Researchers are increasingly realising, however, that the “little brain” or cerebellum also expanded during evolution and probably contributes to the capacities unique to humans. A Heidelberg research team has now generated comprehensive genetic maps of the development of cells in the cerebella of human, mouse and opossum. Comparisons of these maps reveal both ancestral and species-specific cellular and molecular characteristics of cerebellum development.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Understanding the Role of GIP in Managing Diabetes and Obesity

The increasing amount of patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes benefit greatly from the recently developed GIPR:GLP-1R co-agonists. These novel compounds lead to substantial weight loss, offering a revolutionary approach to patients worldwide. Although the hormone glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) was already shown by Helmholtz Munich scientists to decrease body weight via the brain GIP receptor, the underlying neurons through which GIP acts in the brain remained unknown.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Neue Studie enthüllt die zugrunde liegende Komplexität von Gehirnsynapsen

Eine neue Studie, die kürzlich in der Fachzeitschrift CELL veröffentlicht wurde, verändert unser Verständnis der grundlegenden Bausteine des Gehirns, der Proteine an den Synapsen. Unter dem Titel „The proteomic landscape of synaptic diversity across brain regions and cell types“ taucht die Studie tief in die komplexe Welt der Synapsen ein, der lebenswichtigen Verbindungen zwischen Nervenzellen. Unter der Leitung eines Wissenschaftlerteams des Schuman-Labors am Max-Planck-Institut für Hirnforschung in Frankfurt am Main wurden mehr als 1.800 Proteine identifiziert, die es den verschiedenen Synapsen im Gehirn ermöglichen, ihre unterschiedlichen Aufgaben zu erfüllen.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Exploring the Brain Basis of Concepts by Using a New Type of Neural Networks

Cognition and brain scientists at Freie Universität Berlin publish study on causal effects of language on thought

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Distributed workload in the fly brain

Recognizing motion requires an enormous amount of computing power from the brain. A new study from Alexander Borst’s department at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence shows how the fly brain masters this task: By performing a neuronal computation on three network levels, it distributes the workload over several steps. This is the first time that researchers have deciphered a neuronal network in which one cell type performs the same computation at all network levels. This approach helps fruit flies to reliably recognize different motion patterns – the prerequisite for staying on track.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Vision in the brain – hardwired for action

Animals possess specialized networks of neurons in the brain that receive signals about the outside world from the retina and respond by initiating appropriate behavior. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence studied a genetic mutation in zebrafish that eliminates all connections between retina and brain throughout development. The team found that in these ‘deep-blind’ fish the brain circuits are fully functional, as direct brain stimulation with optogenetics can drive normal visual behavior. This shows that the assembly of the brain in zebrafish requires little, if any, visual experience.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft