Schlagwort: Krebs
How to find anti-cancer agents
13. April 2022
Researchers have developed a novel substance that disables a protein in the cell skeleton, leading to cell death. In this way, substances of this type can prevent, for example, the growth of tumors. To accomplish this, the researchers combined a structural biological method with the computational design of active agents.
New 3D printing technique: A game changer for medical testing devices
13. April 2022
Researchers have developed a 3D printing technique to fabricate microfluidic devices for biomedical applications at a microscale not previously possible.
Omicron: Number of vaccine breakthroughs in cancer patients on the rise, study finds
13. April 2022
For cancer patients, COVID-19 poses a particular risk due to their often compromised immune systems. Now, a study shows that, due to Omicron, there is an increasing number of breakthrough infections in people with cancer, especially while they are undergoing cancer therapy.
New tool reveals how immune cells find their targets
12. April 2022
Biological engineers have devised a new experimental tool that allows them to precisely pick out interactions between a particular B or T cell and its target antigen.
Study suggests why most smokers don’t get lung cancer
12. April 2022
Cigarette smoking is overwhelmingly the main cause of lung cancer, yet only a minority of smokers develop the disease. A study suggests that some smokers may have robust mechanisms that protect them from lung cancer by limiting mutations. The findings could help identify those smokers who face an increased risk for the disease and therefore warrant especially close monitoring.
Friend or foe? The immune system collaborates with blood cancer cells
12. April 2022
An international study demonstrates that the body’s immune system attacks itself in a rare type of blood cancer. Consequently, treatment should be targeted at the immune system as well, not only the cancer cells.
Zentrale Institutionen des Gesundheitswesens müssen transparenter und schneller werden!
12. April 2022
Berlin, 11. April 2022 – Wichtige zentrale Institutionen des Gesundheitswesens sind in der Öffentlichkeit weitgehend unbekannt. Sie bestimmten jedoch in wesentlichen Punkten über Rechte der betroffenen Patient:innen und die Leistungen, die sie erhalten können. Die Erfahrungen der Deutschen Stiftung für junge Erwachsene mit Krebs bei ihren Bemühungen zur Finanzierung der Fruchtbarkeitserhaltung junger Betroffener zeigen, dass die Transparenz und die Geschwindigkeit dieser Institutionen an einigen Stellen deutlich verbessert werden müssen.
Evidence in mice that bacteria in tumors help cancer cells metastasize
8. April 2022
Bacteria promote cancer metastasis by bolstering the strength of host cells against mechanical stress in the bloodstream, promoting cell survival during tumor progression, researchers report.
Achilles’ heel of high-risk multiple myeloma
8. April 2022
Chromosomal abnormalities are found in most multiple myeloma (MM) patients. While myeloma patients have generally benefited from the advancement of treatment modalities over the years, the treatment outcome for patients having two or more high-risk prognostic events remains poor. In a novel step forward, a research team has embarked on a study which aims to address the unmet clinical need in this group of patients.
Exercise shown to release protein reducing bowel cancer risk
8. April 2022
Experts have identified for the first time exactly how exercise can lower your risk of getting bowel cancer and slow the growth of tumors.
Cryo-EM imaging of STING protein reveals new binding pocket
8. April 2022
Imaging at near-atomic resolution of a key immune protein commonly known as STING has revealed a previously unrecognized binding site that appears to be pivotal for launching immune attacks, scientists report. The findings could lead to new ways of manipulating STING to prompt stronger immune responses or stem its action in autoimmune diseases.
Researchers look to licorice for promising cancer treatments
7. April 2022
A research review into molecular insights of a licorice-derived substance called glycyrrhizin for preventing or treating cancer suggests further research could lead to specific agents for clinical use.
Biodegradable gel boosts immune system’s attack on several cancers in mice
7. April 2022
The gel, tested in mice, releases drugs and special antibodies that simultaneously deplete immune-blocking cells called macrophages from the surgical site and activate T cells so they can attack cancer.
HIV drug stabilizes disease progression in metastatic colorectal cancer
6. April 2022
Many cancers exhibit high levels of the reverse transcriptase enzyme. Single-agent lamivudine, a reverse transcriptase inhibitor, stopped disease progression in over 25% of patients with fourth-line refractory metastatic colorectal cancer. These results provide evidence for the evaluation of reverse transcriptase inhibitors as a new class of anti-cancer drugs.
HIV drug stabilizes disease progression in metastatic colorectal cancer
6. April 2022
Many cancers exhibit high levels of the reverse transcriptase enzyme. Single-agent lamivudine, a reverse transcriptase inhibitor, stopped disease progression in over 25% of patients with fourth-line refractory metastatic colorectal cancer. These results provide evidence for the evaluation of reverse transcriptase inhibitors as a new class of anti-cancer drugs.
Gene deletion behind anomaly in blood cancer cells
6. April 2022
Although clinical labs have known for almost a century that a oddly shaped nucleus resembling pince-nez glasses in blood cells could indicate leukemia, the cause of this anomaly remained unknown. Scientists have now discovered that loss of nuclear Lamin B1 induces defects in the nuclear morphology and in human hematopoietic [blood-forming] stem cells associated with malignancy. The scientists went on to detail that lamin B1 deficiency alters genome organization. This in turn causes expansion of blood-forming stem cells, a bias towards their becoming myeloids, genome instability due to defective DNA damage repair and other problems that set the stage for cancer.
Gene deletion behind anomaly in blood cancer cells
6. April 2022
Although clinical labs have known for almost a century that a oddly shaped nucleus resembling pince-nez glasses in blood cells could indicate leukemia, the cause of this anomaly remained unknown. Scientists have now discovered that loss of nuclear Lamin B1 induces defects in the nuclear morphology and in human hematopoietic [blood-forming] stem cells associated with malignancy. The scientists went on to detail that lamin B1 deficiency alters genome organization. This in turn causes expansion of blood-forming stem cells, a bias towards their becoming myeloids, genome instability due to defective DNA damage repair and other problems that set the stage for cancer.
DNA discovery reveals a critical ‚accordion effect‘ for switching off genes
6. April 2022
Researchers have revealed how an ‚accordion effect‘ is critical to switching off genes, in a study that transforms the fundamentals of what we know about gene silencing. The finding expands our understanding of how we switch genes on and off to make the different cell types in our bodies, as we develop in the womb.
DNA discovery reveals a critical ‚accordion effect‘ for switching off genes
6. April 2022
Researchers have revealed how an ‚accordion effect‘ is critical to switching off genes, in a study that transforms the fundamentals of what we know about gene silencing. The finding expands our understanding of how we switch genes on and off to make the different cell types in our bodies, as we develop in the womb.
Cause of metastasis in prostate cancer discovered
6. April 2022
Prostate cancers remain localized in the majority of cases, giving affected individuals a good chance of survival. However, about 20% of patients develop incurable metastatic prostate cancer, resulting in approximately 5,000 deaths each year in Austria alone. Medical research has not yet adequately explained why metastases occur in some people and not in others. A research team has now discovered specific changes in a protein that drive the growth and spread of prostate cancer.
Cause of metastasis in prostate cancer discovered
6. April 2022
Prostate cancers remain localized in the majority of cases, giving affected individuals a good chance of survival. However, about 20% of patients develop incurable metastatic prostate cancer, resulting in approximately 5,000 deaths each year in Austria alone. Medical research has not yet adequately explained why metastases occur in some people and not in others. A research team has now discovered specific changes in a protein that drive the growth and spread of prostate cancer.
The nanodrug that attacks cancer twice
6. April 2022
A single nanoparticle does two jobs: enhancing the effectiveness of chemotherapy and reinvigorating the immune system.
Immuntherapie: Warum Wächterzellen wichtig sind
2. April 2022
Wächterzellen des Immunsystems sind essentiell, um die Immunbalance im Körper zu steuern. Nun steht fest, dass sie auch eine wichtige Rolle bei Immuntherapien gegen Krebs und chronische Virusinfektionen spielen.
Burst of accumulated zinc shows how the mineral boosts immune function, suggesting ways to improve health
1. April 2022
Zinc’s immune-boosting properties are well-established, but scientists haven’t known exactly how it works. Scientists now reveal two ways the mineral supports immunity and suggest how it could be used to improve health. Using mice, the team discovered that zinc is needed for the development of disease-fighting immune cells called T cells and prompts regeneration of the thymus, the immune organ that produces T cells.
Viral transformations in the female genital tract can spell trouble for women’s health
1. April 2022
A new study uses next-generation gene sequencing to get a clearer read on the community of viruses present in vaginal microbiome samples and its implication for the development of cervical cancer.