Schlagwort: brain
Franco-German AI Partnership: DFKI and Inria at Viva Technology 2023
New study reveals ‘moonlighting’ function of part of the brain’s protein destruction machine at synapses
A new study by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research discovered a ‘moonlighting’ function carried out by a complex that normally works to degrade proteins in cells – this protein destruction machine is called the proteasome. The scientists found, by counting and visualizing individual protein complexes, that one part of the proteasome (the 19S regulatory complex) was abundant near brain synapses where it regulates synaptic proteins and transmission on its own – without its partner.
Multiple sclerosis: Ultrastructural changes in brain tissue promote inflammatory processes
How tasty is the food? Ask your brain!
Hungry? Brain tells liver to start recycling
Genetically encoded nano-barcodes
How the brain slows down when we focus our gaze
Feed Them or Lose Them
Dieting: brain amplifies signal of hunger synapses
Many people who have dieted are familiar with the yo-yo effect: after the diet, the kilos are quickly put back on. Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research and Harvard Medical School have now shown in mice that communication in the brain changes during a diet: The nerve cells that mediate the feeling of hunger receive stronger signals, so that the mice eat significantly more after the diet and gain weight more quickly. In the long term, these findings could help developing drugs to prevent this amplification and help to maintain a reduced body weight after dieting.
Competition between brain hemispheres during sleep
Sweets change our brain
Chocolate bars, crisps and fries – why can’t we just ignore them in the supermarket? Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research in Cologne, in collaboration with Yale University, have now shown that foods with a high fat and sugar content change our brain: If we regularly eat even small amounts of them, the brain learns to consume precisely these foods in the future.