Zwiebelkuchen und Wein, Kürbissuppe mit frisch gebackenem Brot, die ersten Plätzchen und Glühwein… der Herbst bietet kulinarisch viel. Doch nicht jeder bricht in Begeisterungsstürme aus, wenn es wieder Grünkohl, Wild oder Lebkuchen gibt. Was dem...
Food in hospitals often does not enjoy a good reputation. The proportion of meat on the plate in particular is too high and often does not meet the recommendations of the German Nutrition Society (DGE),...
Doppelte Wirkung des körpereigenen Signalmoleküls Itaconsäure beschrieben Ein internationales Forschungsteam vom TWINCORE - Zentrum für Experimentelle und Klinische Infektionsforschung, einer gemeinsamen Einrichtung des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung und der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover, beschreibt die doppelte Wirkung...
What makes us human? According to neurobiologists it is our neocortex. This outer layer of the brain is rich in neurons and lets us do abstract thinking, create art, and speak complex languages. An international...
Rainforest protection is not only good for biodiversity and the climate – it also noticeably improves the health of humans who live in the corresponding regions. This is the conclusion drawn by a current study...
[caption id="attachment_59" align="alignnone" width="529"] Biologinnen untersuchen Bakterien unter dem Mikroskop. Foto: Universität des Saarlandes, Oliver Dietze[/caption] Die Erreger von Infektionserkrankungen Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumanii und Pseudomonas aeruginosa haben zwei große Gemeinsamkeiten: Sie gehören...
[caption id="attachment_251" align="alignnone" width="501"] Non-neoplastic histopathological findings in the abdominal cavity. A: High-power view of anti-podoplanin immunohistochemistry showing single MWCNT A (high dose) nanotubes in the tissue (arrows). B: High-power view of anti-podoplanin immunohistochemistry showing...
[caption id="attachment_255" align="alignnone" width="513"] 3D-SIM-based DAPI intensity classification in the Barr body versus the entire nucleus of C2C12 cells. (A) Mid z-section of a DAPI-stained nucleus. The area below the dashed line illustrates the resolution...
Low non-specific, low intensity laser illumination (635, 670 or 830 nm) apparently enhances centriole replication and promotes cell division, what is the opposite of a desired cancer therapy. In the contrary, centrioles are sensitive to...
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