Bohm used the term ‘holomovement’ which is an unbroken and undivided totality and carries an implicate order which is he totality of an order including both the manifested and non-manifested aspects of the order. Non-local quantum phenomena reside in a subtler level than quantum level that is the quantum potential which sustains intimately within the underlying implicates order and the quantum processes are driven by information from quantum potential. A global quantum field of a cell, which can be described as a super orbital, provides many levels of interactions among all particles of a cell. From quantum metabolism pint of view all electrons that are contained in one system are inseparable from eachother. In a cell the cytoplasm is a gel made of up to 30% proteins, and the structure of this gel is very much like a liquid crystal which provides collective properties of the electrons.
All these electrons within this super orbital of molecules and co-enzymes of the cell, including all the many small molecules embedded in these large biomolecules, and cofactors transporting electrons are making up one huge structure that is a global cell orbital.
Bohm D (1980) Wholeness and implicate order. Routledge Classics Eds., London and New York 191-247.