Schlagwort: human
First model of the brain’s information highways developed
Riesling Wines: Human Odorant Receptor for Characteristic Petrol Note Identified for the First Time
First insights into the genetic bottleneck characterizing early sheep husbandry in the Neolithic period
Nerve Cells “Old at Heart” — Key Molecules Persist Throughout Life
TU Dresden Researchers Identify Factor Involved in Brain Expansion in Humans
Hijacking in the immune system
The human cytomegalovirus, HCMV for short, lies dormant unnoticed in the body of most people for their entire lives. In immunocompromised individuals, however, the virus can cause life-threatening infections. It infects dendritic cells, a specific type of cell in the immune system. Although the majority of them are infected, only a few of them immediately execute the virus’s genetic programme. Researchers at TWINCORE, Centre for Experimental and Clinical Infection Research, have now been able to show which signalling pathways of the innate immune system the virus is targeting in order to have itself produced by the host cells.
New growth factor for the liver
What defines a human and healthy microbiome?
Use of habitat for agricultural purposes puts primate infants at risk
Looking into the future of the ocean: METEOR Expedition uses the Eastern Mediterranean as a laboratory for the future
Treating tuberculosis when antibiotics no longer work
Light colour is less important for the internal clock than originally thought
Accelerating Drug Development for Lung Diseases: New Insights from Single-Cell Genomics
Tracing the Evolution of the “Little Brain”
Deep-sea mining and warming trigger stress in a midwater jellyfish: GEOMAR study investigates effects of sediment plumes
Defect in fruit fly respiratory system may provide insights into human aortic aneurysms
Proven for the First Time: The Microbiome of Fruit and Vegetables Positively Influences Diversity in the Gut
Scientists develop novel nanoparticles that could serve as contrast agents
Interpreting Large-Scale Medical Datasets: ScPoli Enables Multi-Scale Representations of Cells and Samples
Exercise and Muscle Regulation: Implications for Diabetes and Obesity
Cellular Cartography
CHOOSEn fate: one brain organoid’s tale on Autism
What do neurons, fireflies and dancing the Nutbush have in common?
Opportunities for cancer treatment and wound healing: Microrobots for the study of cells
– Technological platform developed to produce microrobots
– Ion channel mechanisms can be influenced
A group of researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has developed the world’s first microrobot (“microbot”) capable of navigating within groups of cells and stimulating individual cells. Berna Özkale Edelmann, a professor of Nano- and Microrobotics, sees potential for new treatments of human diseases.