Schlagwort: HIV
HIV-Heilung an der Charité: Der zweite Berliner Patient
Improving HIV treatment in children and adolescents – the right way
HIV-Behandlung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen verbessern – aber richtig
„The virus doesn’t care about borders“: Interview with the local co-chair of the 2024 World AIDS Conference in Munich
„Dem Virus sind Grenzen ganz egal“: Lokaler Vorsitzender der Welt-Aids-Konferenz 2024 in München im Interview
Forschungsleistungen zu präzisem Gentransfer, Allergie-Immuntherapie und HIV-1-Infektionen Immuntherapie prämiert
Den ersten Preis erhält Samuel Theuerkauf (30) für seine Forschungsarbeiten zum verbesserten Gentransfer mithilfe zweier Marker.
Den zweiten Preis erhält Dr. Yen-Ju Lin (35) für ihre Forschung zum Einfluss künstlich erzeugter Fusionsproteine auf das Immunsystem.
Der dritte Preis geht an Dr. Moritz Schüssler (33) für seine Forschung zum Einfluss des Restriktionsfaktors SAMHD1 auf HIV-1-Infektionen.
How HIV smuggles its genetic material into the cell nucleus
The folding is the key
Where the HI-Virus sleeps in the brain
Wo das HI-Virus im Gehirn schläft
Successful cure of HIV infection after stem cell transplantation
Tuberculosis vaccine candidate VPM1002 safe in HIV- and non-HIV-exposed newborns as study shows
Making the Invisible Visible – Mechanism Discovered that Enables Innate Immune System to Detect Viruses Like HIV early
Wenn die Tarnkappe fällt – Mechanismus entdeckt, mit dem das angeborene Immunsystem auch Viren wie HIV früh
New insights on the path to curing chronic HIV infections
HIV drug stabilizes disease progression in metastatic colorectal cancer
HIV drug stabilizes disease progression in metastatic colorectal cancer
New study reveals why HIV remains in human tissue even after antiretroviral therapy
HIV/Aids: Erste Frau gilt nach Stammzelltherapie als von HIV geheilt
Scientists move HIV vaccine research forward by developing an immunogen that produces tier-2 antibodies
Research breakthrough could see HIV drugs used to treat low-grade brain tumors
Solving mystery of rare cancers directly caused by HIV
Blutspende: Großbritannien schafft diskriminierende Regel für viele Schwarze ab
A global assessment of cancer genomic alterations in epigenetic mechanisms
Muhammad A Shah, Emily L Denton, Cheryl H Arrowsmith, Mathieu Lupien and Matthieu Schapira
The notion that epigenetic mechanisms may be central to cancer initiation and progression is supported by recent next-generation sequencing efforts revealing that genes involved in chromatin-mediated signaling are recurrently mutated in cancer patients.
Here, we analyze mutational and transcriptional profiles from TCGA and the ICGC across a collection 441 chromatin factors and histones. Chromatin factors essential for rapid replication are frequently overexpressed, and those that maintain genome stability frequently mutated. We identify novel mutation hotspots such as K36M in histone H3.1, and uncover a general trend in which transcriptional profiles and somatic mutations in tumor samples favor increased transcriptionally repressive histone methylation, and defective chromatin remodeling.
This unbiased approach confirms previously published data, uncovers novel cancer-associated aberrations targeting epigenetic mechanisms, and justifies continued monitoring of chromatin-related alterations as a class, as more cancer types and distinct cancer stages are represented in cancer genomics data repositories.
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