Schlagwort: cell
Einfluss von Bewegung und Muskelregulation auf Diabetes und Adipositas
Cellular Cartography
Career choice in stem cells: Predetermined or self-selected?
CHOOSEn fate: one brain organoid’s tale on Autism
Pressure in the biliary system leads to tissue changes in the liver
AI Predictions for Colorectal Cancer: One Step Closer to Efficient Precision Oncology
Proteine für die Krebstherapie dank raffiniertem Programmierkniff
Innovative computational approach helps design proteins for cancer treatment
“Viral relicts” in the Genome Could Fuel Neurodegeneration
Programmable DNA hydrogels for advanced cell culture and personalized medicine
Metabolism meets signalling to fine-tune cell growth
Cells use a variety of metabolic pathways to synthesise the building blocks for growth and proliferation. To ensure balanced growth, these biosynthetic processes must be tightly coordinated. Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, together with a team of national and international collaborators, have now identified a molecular machinery that senses the ability of a cell to make lipids to then block or activate all other biosynthetic processes, such as protein synthesis, accordingly.
Research Grants Endowed with €240,000
How the hospital pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii quickly adapts to new environmental conditions
Neue Methode inhibiert Laktat-Transporter selektiv und schafft neue therapeutische Ansatzpunkte
Cell biology: How cellular powerhouses call for help when under stress
Das Überlebensprogramm von Krebszellen abschalten
Essential cell death-regulating mechanisms important for recovery from SARS-CoV infection and skin injury discovered
(How) Cells Talk to Each Other: ISTA Scientists Successfully Model Cell Dynamics
How cells age: genes are read faster but less accurately with age
Potentiating Cancer Vulnerability to Ferroptosis: Off-Targeting Effects of DHODH Inhibitors
Research team shows how a cell’s form can be reversed
Molekulare Täuschung treibt Tumorzellen in den Selbstmord
How proteins protect mammalian sperm on their way to the egg cell
Mammalian seminal fluid contains a variety of proteins secreted by the accessory sex glands that are important for the processes involved in fertilisation. One of these proteins, which is found in ungulates – and in particularly large quantities in boars – is the spermadhesin AQN-3. A science team from the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW), the Humboldt University of Berlin (HUB) and the Leibniz Institute for Molecular Pharmacology has studied the protein and discovered unexpected properties that could help sperm remain functional until they reach the egg.