Deficiency in certain brain proteins promotes compulsive behavior

Our behavior is controlled through neural circuits in the brain. Molecular disturbances can lead to stereotypical behavior, as seen in neuropsychiatric disorders like obsessive-compulsive and autism spectrum disorders. A research team has now demonstrated that the absence of two proteins, Intersectin1 and Intersectin2, in mice leads to disrupted neural signaling and compulsive repetitive behavior, which is also observed in patients with Intersectin 1 mutations. This supports the idea that such defects can cause neuropsychiatric diseases. The study is published in “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences“.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

“Viral relicts” in the Genome Could Fuel Neurodegeneration

Genetic remnants of viruses that are naturally present in the human genome could affect the development of neurodegenerative diseases. Researchers at DZNE come to this conclusion on the basis of studies on cell cultures. They report on this in the journal “Nature Communications”. In their view, such “endogenous retroviruses” could contribute to the spread of aberrant protein aggregates – hallmarks of certain dementias – in the brain. Thus, these viral relicts would be potential targets for therapies.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Anti-obesity drug improves associative learning in people with obesity

Liraglutide benefits brain activity in people with obesity

Obesity leads to altered energy metabolism and reduced insulin sensitivity of cells. The so-called „anti-obesity drugs“ are increasingly used to treat obesity and have caused tremendous interest, especially in the USA. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research in Cologne, Germany, have now shown in people with obesity that reduced insulin sensitivity affects learning of sensory associations. A single dose of the anti-obesity drug liraglutide was able to normalise these changes and restore the underlying brain circuit function.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

A New Ally in Fighting Brain Diseases: Our Very Own Skull

Alzheimer’s, stroke, multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases cause severe damage due to neuroinflammation mediated by immune cells. Managing this inflammation poses a significant medical challenge because the brain is protected by the skull and additional surrounding membranes that make the brain less accessible for treatment approaches.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Fighting brain cancer

Glioblastomas are among the most aggressive kinds of brain tumors. Even immunotherapy treatments that have proved effective against other cancers seem to be powerless against them. Researchers at the University of Basel and University Hospital Basel have now described how to improve the immune system’s chances against this type of tumor.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

LIONESS: Microscopy of Live Brain Tissue made Possible by Deep Learning and Enhanced Optics

In a new paper published today in the journal Nature Methods, an interdisciplinary team of scientists at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) has come together to present a new way to observe the brain’s structure and dynamics – in a high resolution and without damaging the tissue.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Die heilende Kraft der Kreativtherapie

Können kreative Therapien bei neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen des Gehirns, wie Schlaganfall und Alzheimer, helfen? Dieser Frage gehen die Neurobiologin Dr. Radwa Khalil von der Constructor University in Bremen und Prof. Vida Demarin, ehemalige Direktorin des International Institute for Brain Health in Zagreb, Kroatien, nach. Kürzlich haben sie ihre bisherigen Ergebnisse in der Fachzeitschrift CNS & Therapeutics veröffentlicht.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

When pigeons dream

Dreams have been considered a hallmark of human sleep for a long time. Latest findings, however, suggest that when pigeons sleep, they might experience visions of flight. Researchers at Ruhr University Bochum and at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence studied brain activation patterns in sleeping pigeons, using functional magnetic resonance imaging. The study revealed that similar to mammals, most of the brain is highly active during REM sleep. However, this wake-like state might come at a cost of reduced waste removal from the brain. The researchers published their findings in the journal Nature Communications on 5 June 2023.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Poorly insulated nerve cells promote Alzheimer’s disease in old age

Alzheimer’s disease, an irreversible form of dementia, is considered the world’s most common neurodegenerative disease. The prime risk factor for Alzheimer’s is age, although it remains unclear why. It is known that the insulating layer around nerve cells in the brain, named myelin, degenerates with age. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Multidisciplinary Sciences in Göttingen have now shown that such defective myelin actively promotes disease-related changes in Alzheimer’s. Slowing down age-related myelin damage could open up new ways to prevent the disease or delay its progression in the future.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Intelligent brains take longer to solve difficult problems

Do intelligent people think faster? Researchers at the BIH and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, together with a colleague from Barcelona, made the surprising finding that participants with higher intelligence scores were only quicker when tackling simple tasks, while they took longer to solve difficult problems than subjects with lower IQ scores. In personalized brain simulations of the 650 participants, the researchers could determine that brains with reduced synchrony between brain areas literally “jump to conclusions” when making decisions, rather than waiting until upstream brain regions could complete the processing steps needed to solve the problem.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Franco-German AI Partnership: DFKI and Inria at Viva Technology 2023

In the 60th anniversary year of the signing of the Élysée Treaty, DFKI and Inria will present partner projects, startups, and their concept for Europe’s digital sovereignty at Viva Technology 2023, Paris, June 14-17. The French national research institute for computer science and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence will demonstrate computer-brain interfaces for use outside the lab, among other things. Together with eight other academic partners and the states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Saarland, they form the Franco-German Tech Lab in Hall 1, Stand D11 of the Tech and Start-up Fair.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

New study reveals ‘moonlighting’ function of part of the brain’s protein destruction machine at synapses

A major component of the cell’s protein destruction machine moonlights at brain synapses

A new study by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research discovered a ‘moonlighting’ function carried out by a complex that normally works to degrade proteins in cells – this protein destruction machine is called the proteasome. The scientists found, by counting and visualizing individual protein complexes, that one part of the proteasome (the 19S regulatory complex) was abundant near brain synapses where it regulates synaptic proteins and transmission on its own – without its partner.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Multiple sclerosis: Ultrastructural changes in brain tissue promote inflammatory processes

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. It is characterized by inflammatory foci and damage in the brain’s so-called white matter, which consists of long nerve fibers and myelin. A German-Dutch research team has now shown that ultrastructural changes in healthy areas in the white matter of MS patients make the tissue more susceptible to inflammation and the formation of lesions. This could promote the progression of the disease.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

How tasty is the food? Ask your brain!

To know when it’s time for a meal – and when to stop eating again – is important to survive and to stay healthy, for humans and animals alike. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence investigated how the brain regulates feeding behavior in mice. The team found that the hormone ghrelin activates specialized nerve cells in a brain region known as the amygdala. Here, the interaction between ghrelin and the specialized neurons promotes food consumption and conveys hunger and the pleasant and rewarding feelings associated with eating.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Hungry? Brain tells liver to start recycling

Brain releases hormone after short fasting that boosts autophagy

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Genetically encoded nano-barcodes

How do the nerve cells in our brain communicate with each other? What processes take place when T cells render cancer cells harmless? Details of the mechanisms at the cellular level remain hidden from view. Now, special reporter proteins developed by a research team led by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) may help unveil these mechanisms.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

How the brain slows down when we focus our gaze

Changing between slow and fast integration of information, the brain can flexibly modulate the timescales on which it operates. This is the result of a new study by an international team of researchers, now published in the journal Nature Communications. Their analysis of experimental data from the visual cortex and their computer simulations also provide an explanation for how different timescales can arise and how they can change: the structure of the neural networks determines how fast or slow information is integrated.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Feed Them or Lose Them

Our developing brains demand the right nutrients at the right times. This sustenance provides essential energy for cellular processes that underlie brain formation. But what happens if these substances aren’t available? Professor Gaia Novarino’s group at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) has shown that a shortage of essential amino acids results in severe developmental problems in mice and humans causing lasting effects in life.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Dieting: brain amplifies signal of hunger synapses

Possible target for drugs to combat the yo-yo effect

Many people who have dieted are familiar with the yo-yo effect: after the diet, the kilos are quickly put back on. Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research and Harvard Medical School have now shown in mice that communication in the brain changes during a diet: The nerve cells that mediate the feeling of hunger receive stronger signals, so that the mice eat significantly more after the diet and gain weight more quickly. In the long term, these findings could help developing drugs to prevent this amplification and help to maintain a reduced body weight after dieting.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Competition between brain hemispheres during sleep

Human beings are bilaterally symmetrical. As such, our brains are made of two halves called hemispheres, that communicate with each other with specialized fiber tracts running across the midline. While each hemisphere tends to deal with the senses (vision, hearing, touch) and motor control of the opposite side of the body, we are generally not aware of this partitioning of function, thanks to constant inter-hemispheric communication. In humans, the two hemispheres are also specialized for certain functions: language areas, for example, are typically in the left hemisphere.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Sweets change our brain

Why we can’t keep our hands off chocolate bars and co.

Chocolate bars, crisps and fries – why can’t we just ignore them in the supermarket? Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research in Cologne, in collaboration with Yale University, have now shown that foods with a high fat and sugar content change our brain: If we regularly eat even small amounts of them, the brain learns to consume precisely these foods in the future.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Where the HI-Virus sleeps in the brain

The human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 is able to infect various tissues in humans. Once inside the cells, the virus integrates its genome into the cellular genome and establishes persistent infections. The role of the structure and organisation of the host genome in HIV-1 infection is not well understood. Using a cell culture model based on brain immune microglia cells, an international research team led by scientists from Heidelberg University Hospital and the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) now defined the insertion patterns of HIV-1 in the genome of microglia cells.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Targeting brain tumors: new drug candidate in clinical trial

Clinical trials are a milestone in the development of safe and effective drugs and therapies. An antibody developed by Helmholtz Munich is now entering a phase 1 clinical trial. Together with the radiopharmaceutical company ITM Isotope Technologies Munich and Münster University Hospital, researchers hope to improve the treatment of patients with brain tumors.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Cited1 links sex and metabolic hormones to protect against obesity

Sex differences exist in the regulation of energy homeostasis. Current studies indicate for instance that female mammals, including humans, are better protected against metabolic diseases during reproductive age. This is particularly important with regard to obesity, whose prevalence has tripled since 1975. However, it is still not fully understood how hormones, released by sex-specific reproductive glands, signal to the brain to regulate energy metabolism in females versus males. Researchers at Helmholtz Munich pursued the question and discovered a new protein called Cited1 within hypothalamic neurons that is involved in the regulation and sensitivity of satiety pathways.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

Putting out the fire in the brain

In autoimmune encephalitis, a rare but serious and sometimes life-threatening inflammation of the central nervous system, the body’s own defences are directed against the central nervous system. This disease was first identified in 2007, and the most common type is Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis. In this autoimmune disease, a protein that plays an important role in signal transmission in the brain is disrupted: the NMDA-type glutamate receptor, or NMDA receptor for short. Researchers from Braunschweig, Jena, Leipzig and Berlin have developed a new potential treatment for this disease.

Quelle: IDW Informationsdienst Wissenschaft